Thursday 8 July 2010

Second day at Tam Thanh - learning about colours

What a fabulous afternoon! The girls in this class are just great. We focussed on talking about colours today. We spoke about primary, secondary and shades of colours. The girls then got to mix some plasticine together to make different colours. They loved this. The girls also loved getting their photos taken and then looking at them on my screen.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, lots of photos this time Mhairi! It's great to hear the money you raised is going to such wonderful things for the children. It really opens your eyes as to how much the children here have and how we take it all for granted eh?
    Midwife appointment went well... no bloods taken thank goodness but we got to hear the heartbeat which was breathtaking. Hope your feet are less sore and swollen today.
