Wednesday 7 July 2010

Great day

I had to get up really early this morning as I was observing the vietnamese teacher at the Baby Orphanage. She teaches a variety of subjects to the children of school age. We discussed what resources she could use in the classroom and arranged to meet up next Tuesday afternoon to go shopping for some things.
I have given over some of the fundraised money to pay for fruit at the Baby Orphanage and some other placements. Will let you know in detail next time. A chunk of the money will be going towards paying for the shelter to cover the play area outside.
At the Home of Affection we are looking to buy a computer which will be great for english skills, typing skills and generally knowing how to use a computer.
I am going shopping with Mrs Hanh on Friday afternoon to buy some material that can get made into dressing up clothes. Today the children at the Baby Orphanage were copying the teacher and taking on her role. Will get the teacher's uniform made up for dressing up. I think I will get a doctor's coat made too. There are some hospital toys at the local supermarket - stethoscope, thermometer etc. I would also like to get some fairy/princess dresses and pirates constumes as well.
The children in the photos are all from the Baby Orphanage. When we arrive here the children are given fruit bought by volunteers. The girl with the bag - my bag, was very keen to wear it just like I do. They are all loving the talking postcards that I brought with me. I used these today at one of my new placements. I swapped my class of 15-18 year olds and now I am teaching Wednesday and Thursday afternoons in Tam Thanh - a fishing village. I love it. There are seven girls in my class aged between 9 and 13. They are extremely enthusiastic and very keen to learn. They also loved my talking postcards. Think I will take them with me tomorrow as well.

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