Friday 2 July 2010

Hi everyone
Arrived in Tam Ky last night. This was later than expected because The Global Volunteer Network was celebrating six years of work in Vietnam. There was meant to be a beach party but the minute we arrived it started to rain really heavily. We all ended up indoor for the celebrations instead.
This morning we all got our weekly schedule of work - so here is mine.
Every morning from 8.30am - 10.30am I will be at the Baby Orphanage. There may be a couple of mornings that I get to go to the Disabled Hospital too.
Every Monday and Wednesday afternoon I will be teaching at Home of Affection. I will be with a group of teenagers aged from 15 to 18 years old. Hopefully I will be able to teach them, we will see how that goes.
On Tuesday and Thursday nights I will be teaching a group of 10 - 12 year olds english also.
I have put myself forward for organising dressing up/roleplay day at Home of Affection on a Thursday. Will see what they have got and then we will see if I can either buy some dressing up clothes or maybe get them made locally. There is a lot of tailor making that goes on.
This morning we also visited some of our placements. First of all we visited Home of Affection, then we went on to the Disabled Hospital and finally we visited the Baby Orphanage. When we got here all the kids were very excited to see us. At one point I had a toddler on each hip. I lost my sunglasses for a short period of time as they got passed round and I had my bag inspected by a child. I think he was looking for sweets. He seemed pleased enough with the hand wash that I squirted on his hand.
This afternoon we travelled to Hoi An which is about an hours journey from Tam Ky.
I have been measured up for a jacket (green) and a dress at one of the many dressmakers here. This was at four o'clock and these will be ready by 10am tomorrow.
We are staying here for the weekend and then will travel back on Sunday night.
Monday will be my first day, will let you know how I get on. Pictures soon


  1. Hi Mhairi looks like a very busy schedule you have but i,m sure you will enjoy it . the dressing up bit sounds great and i,m sure like all kids they will have lots of fun.will look forward to seeing your pictures.Nice you have
    a range of ages too it will make it more interesting .Shame about the rain spoiling the beach party. Outfit sounds great too .Sophie on holiday but will read all your news to her when she comes home . enjoy your weekend with your new friends . love margaret (B)

  2. Think you will be right at home there Mhairi, right in the middle of the things you know and do best!!
    Been having a few probs with posting on your Blog, only got one on so far, Sophies Gran is sooo much better than me!hope you get this one. Keep safe girl, and have fun fun fun!!

  3. Linda, I can't use my mobile here and I think I've been putting in a wrong email address for you. Can you send it to my email address.
    I am really enjoying reading everyone's comments. They really make my day!
