Sunday 1 August 2010

Letters from girls at Tam Thanh. Last day here.

1st letter
Dear teacher Mhairi
My name is Duyen. I am your student. You are not only my teacher but my mother. I was taught by you long enough to get to know you but now you have to leave for home. I don't have anything more to say but many thanks. I think that other students like me don't want you to go home and won't teach us anymore but it is so selfish of me. I know that you have to go home but I dont't want you to. When you go home please think of us. We will miss you a lot. If you have time we would love to hear from you and hopefully next year you can come back to teach us and come back to Tam Thanh with us. We will wait for you to come back. Goodbye Mhairi. Your student. Duyen

2nd letter
I am very happy to get to know you. Thankyou very much for teaching me the good lessons. I love Kanh Linh because she is kind and nice and has a lovely smile and you Mhairi are so pretty an very enthusiastic with us during your time here. I want to say thankyou for creating favourable conditions for us to learn english. I will miss you forever and I promise I will remember all your lessons. Hanh.

3rd letter
I am very happy to know you and Linh. You taught me lessons I haven't known before. I love Linh. She has a lovely smile like my aunt's and you Mhairi are very gentle to us.
I will miss you forever. Goodbye. Hanh.

from Ha

1 comment:

  1. hi mhairi can,t believe its time fo you to come home time has gone so quickly and reading your blog has been fantastic and the work you and your fellow volunteers have done and results you have achieved are superb the letters from some of the children does say it all they will miss you terribly . hope you have safe and pleasant journey home .look forward to seeing soon enjoy the rest of your holidays love margaret & sophie x
