Monday 28 June 2010

Blonde moment

Well my trip did not get off to a great start as I thought I had lost my mobile just as I reached the security point. Had to turn back, gave lost property my details - was in a proper flap. As I was ready to board flight to Heathrow, I spotted my mobile phone in my bag that is around my neck!!! First blonde moment - I'm sure there will be others.
Other than that I am quite calm, amazingly for me.


  1. Go Mhairi... looking forward to reading all your adventures. Keep safe and blog often.


  2. Hope you had a safe journey and are enjoying your experience - Jake & Stephen Gray

  3. lol, ur some lassie, glad you hadnt actually lost ur phone tho, what a nitemare that would have been. Safe Journey chick, hope its a fast flight or as fast as it can be for 20 odd hours. Ur gonna have an amazin time and experience, il be following your blog ;-) Speak soon toots xxxxx

  4. Hi Mhairi hope you have recovered from your blonde moment!!and journey is going well.Look forward to following your experiences on your Blog. Delighted to read about your final total.take care. from sophie&margaret(bell)

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